Sabtu, 09 Juli 2016

about elephants

elephants are the largest mammal of the order Proboscidea familia Elephantidae and ...
There are two types namely elephant African elephant and Asian elephant ... Elephant spread across sub-Saharan Africa, South Asia, and Southeast Asia.

Male African elephants are the largest land animals with a high that can reach 4 m (13 ft) and a mass of approximately 7,000 kg (15,000 lb)

the largest animals in the world today is gajah..Gajah have specific characteristics, the most striking is the trunk or proboscis that is used for many things, especially to breathe, suck water, and pick up objects ...
being large ears function to regulate body temperature ..
African and Asian elephants differences are: African elephants have larger ears and back are concave, while the smaller Asian elephant ears and back convex

elephants can live 70 years in its natural habitat ... Female elephants tend to live in family groups, consisting of single females with children or several females that relate to their children.

about frogs

frogs are amphibians that live on land or water color skin slippery , could swim and jump ...
usual habitat exists in all countries everywhere ...

when about to spawn a frog will seek an aqueous environment . frog spawn once can produce 5000-20000 eggs , depending on the quality of the parent and take place three times a year.
The main food is insects ordinary frog ..
frogs can live between 10-12 years ...

about cheetah

cheetah is derived from the Sanskrit word: chitraka, meaning "spotted", English: cheetah, Latin: Acinonyx jubatus)
These animals are relatives of the cat
and an animal that hunts by using speed rather than tactics crept or clustered.

These animals are categorized fastest animals on land because it could run can reach speeds of 110 km / h in a short time to 460 m, with acceleration from 0-100 km / h in 3.5 seconds
pregnant cheetah would normally between 90-98 days later than usual and gave birth to 1-5 children ...

everything will stay with him for almost two years before they are independent. Because cheetahs are not born with the instinct to survive, the mother should teach their children to important lessons, such as hunting and avoiding predators

however, these animals could not run too long to hunt ...also known as the most efficient predators on earth. Chase and pounce on prey only when prey was within range. These animals belong clever with its ability to detect the weakest animals. He fell victim not to pounce like a lion or a tiger

These animals used to kill its prey with a small touch on the hind legs of victims who were running hard. When the victim fell, cheetah then pounced on the victim's nape then subsequently gripped by loss of blood

but these animals in hunting which managed only between 40-50 percent are successful hunt is to say 10 times spotted and 4-5 times only works ...
after getting the usual prey of these animals will rise above the trees along its prey ..

about geraffe

Giraffe is an animal even-toed mammals endemic to Africa and is the highest animal species that live on land . Male giraffe can reach a height of 4.8 to 5.5 meters and has a weight that can reach 1,360 kilograms
ordinary female giraffes are shorter and lighter compared with male giraffe

about polar bear

Polar bears usually live in Antarctica ... scientific name Ursus maritimus is a large mammal in the Ursidae biological family clan rules
regular male polar bear weighs between 400-600 kilograms and can sometimes reach more than 800 kg with a height of over 2.5 meters
being females only half the weight of a male bear weighing between 200-300 kg and a height of about 2 meters
polar bears have a very keen sense of smell to 20 miles ..
Polar bears are strong swimmers can swim as far as 60 miles without stopping
polar bear food is fish and seals (its main food) ..
They are impatient when hunting animals, waiting for prey (seals) that are diving for hours - hours for the targets to jump to the mainland and then immediately pounce on Bears
Adult polar bear needs to assume at least two kilograms of fat in one day ...
polar bear mating season usually occurs in March-June, and her child will be born in December-January and could bear children 1-3 tails ..
at a time when pregnant polar bears used to live in a pile of snow and even sleep all winter in the nest until the babies - baby bear birth
Baby - the baby will live in the nest for approximately 28 months

about penguin

penguin is a bird that can not fly ...
This bird used to live in the southern hemisphere or the Antarctic ...
penguins can also be found in the area galapagos
The penguin is the emperor penguin and can reach a height of 1.1 meters and weighing about 35 kilograms or more ..
being the smallest is the fairy penguin with a height of only 40 centimeters and weighs just 1 kilogram ...
penguins usually eat shrimp or krill ( kind of shrimp ) , squid
penguin no link with humans
Penguin able to swim at speeds of 6 to 12 km / h even been recorded up to 27 km / h . Penguin small size usually dive for one to two minutes away from the surface of the water to catch food . Penguin larger , the Emperor penguins can dive deeper, to 565 meters for 20 minutes .

about grouper

grouper ang believed to have originated from the name of garoupa , which is expected of the Portuguese language . Some say that the Portuguese name is derived from one of the languages ​​native to South America but this fish in all parts of the country there is ... groupers normally live in the corals or rocks ... very tasty grouper grouper so the price is very expensive in the restaurant ... grouper there are several types of it .. Miscellaneous groupers , among others : the tiger grouper , grouper batik , coral trout grouper , estuary grouper , humpback grouper These fish can weigh hundreds of kilograms